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      Uber ABN’s Explained – How To Get An ABN for Uber & UberEats

      DriveTax Free Uber ABN Application
      DriveTax Free Uber ABN Application

      ABN's for Uber & UberEats

      Updated 28th of June 2024

      All Uber and UberEats drivers must have an ABN. But if it’s your first time being self-employed then you’ve probably never had an ABN before, so there’s a lot to learn.

      In this article I’ll explain what an ABN is, the ATO’s ABN rules for Australian Uber drivers, and how to apply for an Uber ABN or UberEats ABN online for free.


      What Is An ABN?

      ABN stands for Australian Business Number, and every business in Australia must have one.

      An ABN is the public identification number of Australian businesses. All sole-traders, business owners and companies also have a Tax File Number, but a TFN is private and confidential. So the ABN is an additional number that can be used publicly in advertising, and on invoices and other documents for customers and suppliers.

      As an ABN holder, if you earn more than $1 on your ABN for the year you must declare it in your income tax return at the end of the financial year. You’ll complete a business schedule, list your ABN, and declare your business income and tax deductions.  


      Do You Need An ABN For Uber and UberEats?

      Every Uber and UberEats driver in Australia must have an ABN. For UberX, an ABN is required before you can start driving, and you must also register that ABN for GST, more on that in a moment. For UberEats an ABN is also required, but you generally do not have to register for GST. The ABN rules are the same if you drive for other rideshare or food delivery companies, such as Ola, Didi, DoorDash or MenuLog, you must have an ABN.

      The ATO only gives you one ABN for your whole lifetime, and you must use this one ABN for all of our business activities. So if you already have an ABN registration or you have had one in the past then you must use this same ABN for Uber or UberEats as well. If your past ABN is now cancelled or inactive, you will need to reactivate it to use as your Uber ABN. You can look up your current or past ABN on the Australian Business Register.


      Do You Have To Register For GST for Uber?

      If you do UberX or rideshare driving you must register for Goods & Services Tax (GST). This is thanks to specific ATO rules for taxi and rideshare drivers, whereby the usual GST registration threshold for small businesses of $75,000 does not apply, and instead the registration threshold is $1. If you’re interested in learning the reasons why, our blog post on GST for Uber drivers digs into the details.

      If UberEats or food delivery driving is the only income you will earn on your ABN then you generally will not have to register for GST. For delivery drivers, the ATO’s normal GST registration threshold of $75,000 applies. This is based on the gross delivery fees before deducting Uber’s commission. The vast majority of UberEats drivers don’t reach this level, even if driving full-time. However if you have other income on your ABN such as subcontracting or business income, then when combined with your UberEats income it may push you over the threshold. This would mean you’d have to register for GST, and pay GST on all of your ABN income including UberEats.

      If you drive for both Uber and UberEats, or do both ridesharing services and food delivery driving, then the rideshare rules apply and you must register for GST.

      Once you’re GST-registered, you must lodge a Business Activity Statement to the ATO each quarter to declare the GST on your income and expenses, and pay your net GST to the ATO. You can learn more about BAS lodgement, how to keep tax invoices and how to claim GST credits as an Uber partner in our blog post on BAS’s for Uber drivers.   

      Free Uber Tax Info Pack
      Free Uber Tax Info Pack

      How Do You Apply For An Uber ABN?

      You can register for an ABN for Uber or UberEats on the ATO website yourself for free.

      Alternatively, you can use DriveTax’s Free Uber ABN Application service, which is part of our Free Uber Tax Info Pack. Our online form only takes a few minutes to fill in, and then we apply for your ABN for you with the ATO. If you have had an ABN in the past that is now inactive, just enter it into the form and we will reactivate it for you. Our processing time is two business days, but you don’t have to wait for your ABN, you can start driving right away.

      As part of the Free Uber Tax Info Pack, you’ll also get a free Uber bookkeeping spreadsheet, free ATO logbook spreadsheet, and a free 5-day email course called ‘Uber Tax Essentials’ which will explain everything you need to know about taxes for Uber drivers. It’s perfect for all new Uber and UberEats drivers in Australia.


      How Do You Register For GST for Uber?

      If you don’t already have an ABN, you can apply for both an ABN and GST all in one transaction. If you do already have an active ABN you will add your GST registration to your ABN. If your ABN is inactive you’ll first need to reactivate it, and then add on the GST registration.

      Our Free Uber ATO Registration service can handle all of this for you, you just need your previous ABN handy.


      What Next?

      • Apply for your Uber or UberEats ABN, and register for GST if you need to, free with DriveTax  Go >
      • Download the DriveTax Uber Tax Info Pack to learn more about your tax obligations   Go >
      • Explore our blog to learn about managing your taxes as an Uber or UberEats driver  Go >
      • To have your BAS’s lodged by a registered tax agent and Uber tax expert, visit our BAS services page Go >
      • To have your tax returns lodged by a registered tax agent and Uber tax expert, visit our tax services page Go >
      • If you want a deeper understanding of your Uber taxes, learn more about our Understanding Uber Taxes online course  Go >


      Questions? Thoughts? Pop them in the comments below and I’ll get right back to you!

      Safe driving!   – Jess

      Jess Murray CPA Uber Accountant

      About the Author – Jess Murray CPA – Uber Accountant

      Jess Murray is a CPA Accountant and registered tax agent. She’s been working in personal and small business tax for 15 years, and has been specialising in tax for Australian Uber Drivers for the last 7 years as the Director of DriveTax. She also teaches an online course called Understanding Uber Taxes.

      Jess is on a mission to make taxes straightforward and manageable for Uber drivers across Australia.

      Understanding Uber Taxes Online Course

      The information in this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. If you’d like to know how this article applies to you, please contact us to arrange a consultation, or talk to your accountant. 

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